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frient entry sensor pro

Outsmart Intruders with the frient Entry Sensor Pro.

Outsmart Intruders with the frient Entry Sensor Pro.

Keeping your home and family safe and secure is a top priority. But with the rise in burglaries, it’s essential to take proactive steps to protect your property and loved ones. That’s where the frient Entry Sensor Pro comes in.

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Stop Throwing Money Away on Standby Power!

Ever unplug your phone charger or turn off a lamp at night, only to wonder how much energy those seemingly insignificant things use throughout the day? We’ve all been there. But what if you could easily track your appliance’s energy consumption and control it remotely, saving money on your bills in the process?
With higher energy prices there is lots of money to be saved on your electricity bill with some small changes, and of course, reducing your carbon footprint is always reason enough to save energy.

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